./HAVOC AWS Certificate Manager Resources

Details about AWS Certificate Manager resources created in a ./HAVOC deployment

When creating a new ./HAVOC deployment, an AWS certificate and certificate validation resource will be created if a custom domain name is provided as one of the deployment options. Below is a list of the AWS Certificate Manager resources that are created.

The Terraform configuration file that is used to create the AWS Certificate Manager resources is available here: https://github.com/havocsh/havoc/blob/main/havoc_deploy/aws/terraform/acm.tf

ACM Certificates

ACM certificates provide secure connections to web applications. The configuration includes wildcard certificates for the API Gateway.

API Gateway Certificate

  • Count: ${var.enable_domain_name ? 1 : 0}
  • Domain Name: *.${var.domain_name}
  • Validation Method: DNS

This resource creates a wildcard ACM certificate for securing the API Gateway with a domain name. The certificate is validated using DNS records.

ACM Certificate Validation

  • Count: ${var.enable_domain_name ? 1 : 0}

This resource validates the ACM certificate created for the API Gateway by associating it with DNS records. The validation record Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) is obtained from a Route53 record.

The ACM certificates provide secure communication for the ./HAVOC deployment, ensuring encrypted and authenticated connections to the API Gateway.