./HAVOC S3 Resources

Details about AWS S3 resources created in a ./HAVOC deployment

When creating a new ./HAVOC deployment, several S3 resources are created in your AWS account. Below is a list of the S3 Resources that are created.

The Terraform configuration file that is used to create the S3 resources is available here: https://github.com/havocsh/havoc/blob/main/havoc_deploy/aws/terraform/s3.tf

S3 Buckets

Amazon S3 buckets are containers for storing objects, such as files and data.

Playbooks Bucket

  • Bucket name: ${var.deployment_name}-playbooks

This S3 bucket is used to store playbooks.

Playbook Types Bucket

  • Bucket name: ${var.deployment_name}-playbook-types

This S3 bucket is used to store playbook types.

Workspace Bucket

  • Bucket name: ${var.deployment_name}-workspace

This S3 bucket is used for workspace-related data.

Terraform State Bucket

  • Bucket name: ${var.deployment_name}-terraform-state

This S3 bucket is used to store Terraform state files.

S3 Objects

Amazon S3 objects are the actual data stored in S3 buckets.

Conti Ransomware Playbook Template

  • Bucket: ${var.deployment_name}-playbook-types
  • Key: conti_ransomware.template
  • Source code: conti_ransomware.template
  • Local deployment file: build/conti_ransomware.template

This S3 object stores the Conti Ransomware playbook template. It is located in the playbook types bucket and is used for defining the playbook execution.

S3 Bucket Versioning

Bucket versioning in Amazon S3 allows you to preserve, retrieve, and restore every version of every object stored in a bucket.

Terraform State Bucket Versioning

  • Bucket: ${var.deployment_name}-terraform-state
  • Status: Enabled

Versioning is enabled for the Terraform state bucket. This ensures that previous versions of Terraform state files are retained.

S3 Bucket Server-Side Encryption Configuration

Server-side encryption in Amazon S3 provides an extra layer of security for data stored in S3 buckets.

Terraform State Bucket Server-Side Encryption

  • Bucket: ${var.deployment_name}-terraform-state
  • Encryption Algorithm: AES256

This configuration specifies server-side encryption with AES256 for the Terraform state bucket, ensuring the security of the stored state files.

These Amazon S3 resources are used to manage various data and objects related to the ./HAVOC deployment, including playbooks, workspace data, and Terraform state files.